Bob Caesar and City Hall still won’t divulge the bicentennial book details, but at least my letter to the newspaper was published, and I’ve got THAT going for me.


The News and Tribune’s word limit on letters to the editor is insane. It allows just enough time for two, maybe three declarative sentences. I try to avoid writing at a 3rd grade level, so at least there’s that.

Thanks, Hanson.

Apparently there was a technical glitch during the submission, but happily, my letter now has been published, as previously recounted here:

Sewer rate hikes aside, if the City & Caesar are willing to go to these lengths to cover up dated Bicentennial financial records, what else is being hidden?

Keeping up with the vandals is a wearying task, indeed. They molt, they swarm, and all I have is this Kay Jewelers fly-swatter.

The letter also was read into city council minutes at the final meeting of 2016.

You’ll note that the last sentence was omitted by the newspaper in spite of my heroic adherence to their fetish.

If they’ll willing to go to these lengths to cover up dated Bicentennial financial records, what else is being hidden?

I repeat, and will continue to repeat: Yes, I’m an ass, but this should have no bearing on the ability of local government to provide public records like these when requested by Joe or Josephine Six Pack.

There’ll come a time when Team Gahan finally is held accountable for excesses like this, and when that time arrives, do me a favor, will ya, and recall that you read it here first.